1996 Chevy Lumina 3.1 L. I have good fuel pressure,spark and compression. Engine starts then dies about 10 seconds after startup. Restarts but again dies. Noid light stops blinking and engine dies right after. What tells injectors to keep firing? New 24x ckps. new cam sensor, 3x (7x) ckps shows 1.0 ac volts and ohms out @ 954 @ the ICM connector> what have I overlooked? your help is appreciated! thank you!!! Sorry in addition to question on chevy lumina 3.1 L. that starts and then dies, I have no codes and VATS is bypassed with a resistor of 4.7 ohms!
Answer: The ECM is what supplies the ground to the fuel injectors. With the these things dyou have already one the next thing i would suspect is either a bad ECM or a bad fuel injector. If one of the injectors is low on ohms reading, it will cause the ECM to stop sending the ground and shut down the injector circuit.
Have seen it many times on this engine. What we usually find is at least one bad injector on each bank. You are going to have to check each one individually. The resistance should be about 12.4 ohms. If you get any that are in the 11 range or anything lower, it is bad and needs to be replaced.